Dai 2 Matsuno Bldg. 2-1-17 Tamondori, Chuoku, Kobe city
Registration is closed
Kobe Rubyist Meetup is a community for Rubyists around Kobe. We are expecting Kobe x Rubyist x Rubyist ... could make significant power!
You can listen to the presentations of other members and enjoy chatting with others with food and drink.
Let's enjoy over Ruby talk!
Ruby beginners are welcome. Please participate if you have any interests.
The event venue has projector, so you can give presentation about the latest technical information or your recent activities. Please feel free let us know if you have any interests.
Kobe Rubyist Meetupは 「Rubyist × Rubyist = すごいパワー」という発想を基に 「Kobe × Rubyist × Rubyist ... = もっとすごいパワー」になるのでは !?と思い、Rubyist同士の交流を目的として生まれました。 飲食しながら他のRubyistの活動内容や技術情報の発表を聞いたり、ワイワイガヤガヤと雑談したりする場です (D...
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